Monday, June 20, 2011


i'm sure by now you have heard about pinterest. if not, then i suggest you go right over here and get on the bandwagon. it is absolutely amazing and there is inspiration galore.

i have pinned quite a few things that i love. i want to try to take some inspiration from pinterest and bring it into my life. what's the fun if it just lives on a board and you don't ever do anything with it?

so i give you....pinspiration in my life #1.

pinterest photo {here}

shan's photo

i loved the look of those nails. having that ring finger different definitely gives my nails some new flair. and although i didn't have that pretty pink sparkly nail polish, i used what i had and made it my own. i really love this look and will have to try it again with a different color combination (doesn't just have to be sparkly!)


Christi said...

my nails will never look that good but i do love pinterest!