Monday, August 9, 2010


last week, A and i took a little vacation to florida. pensacola to be exact. we visited for 5 glorious days with my grandparents who live in that wonderful little city.

and we did nothing. the highlight of most of our days was a run to starbucks. one day was target. but other than that we stayed at their house and played in the pool. and layed out. ate fabulous food cooked by my grandmother and spent quality time with the grandparents. it was kinda perfect.

our days were spent here...

perfect right?

one day we did skip over to the beach to snack at a restaurant and see the condition of the beaches (pensacola was one of the cities affected by the oil spill).

but i am happy to report that we saw no oil. no tar balls. nothing. just a few booms near a little cove. how wonderful is that? i was so happy.

and while on said beach, A and i took a few pictures. just so we could actually show we had been on vacation. because i am so bad at taking pictures.

excuse the wind...

and one really pretty one for good measure.

the worst part of the vacation was coming home. we both were so relaxed and it was such a great vacation that both of us were kicking and screaming at the thought of coming back.

hopefully, we will have a florida trip part 2 in our near future.


carlotta cisternas said...

it sounds like you had a wonderful time! quiet time spent with family is the best. and that pool looks oh so refreshing!

Day Old News said...

Um, your sunnies are to die for, I LOVE them!!

Baby Momma said...

Sounds just perfect!!!! I love that part of Florida! It's beatiful!