Friday, September 25, 2009

eye candy

every once in awhile, I am going to post some favorite pictures from Flickr. I find so many pictures that I just love and I want to share them with you. Last time, they were from a bunch of photographers. This time, I want to feature just one.

Beth Retro is a fabulous photographer that i found on flickr. Her pictures are so pretty. Someday, I would love to get my hands on some for my house. Could you imagine hanging these pictures in your living room, bedroom (as long as your hubby doesn't mind the girlyness it brings) or even a little girls rooms? it would add a little sparkle, don't you think?

I narrowed down my favorites. There are so many more. Go check her out on flickr. I hope you love her work as much as i do.

that last one is my favorite :)
soak in the girlyness...